Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So why create a blog after all this time?

  • I'm a writer, I should be writing more every day.
  • I'm an artist and I like to share my creative process, upcoming events, news, etc.
  • I've been sending out an update email every monthish for years now to stay in touch with folks near and far. Now I'll be sending them a link to this blog. 
  • Why not share my perspectives, especially on the creative process, with the wider group of folks who like to play on my website?

So, here goes ...

Getting ready to work on the painting of the moment, which looks to me like Mars but it's really Atacama, Chile --

I have to be in the mood to paint or I won't care enough to paint with precision. When I'm in the mood to paint and am able to, it feels like flying.

I love painting to music, and listen to Radio Paradise on my computer in the studio 24/7, except for when we are sleeping.  They are very worthy of support!

When I'm walking my dog, Chipper, in the mornings, we pass by a tiny wetland we call The Bog.  As a painter/photographer, I notice the colors, textures and watery/icy surfaces, gnarled trees, delicate grasses -- when I notice more out there, I know I'm almost ready to paint/create, because that side of me is awake.

Last week and the week before I had a great wall of sadness to work through, but Sunday morning I awoke with a lightness, a freshness.  I still feel that lightness, and the shadow of sadness remains but is lessened. The painting has come along accordingly this week, as I've been able to move forward again.

I've been working with healing and cleansing the chakras for the past few weeks as well, to help balance my way through all that sadness, and it has helped immensely to have a distracting super powerful structure of energy to rely upon and focus my healing efforts. I even pulled out the only four beautiful white quartz crystals, so I can work on at least four chakras at a time that way for now.  We are looking into a site that offers high quality crystals online for very reasonable prices: -- they look very reputable -- we'll see --

Such a lovely snow came over night -- not too messy out there, so it qualifies as a "pretty snow" -- since I grew up in Georgia, the snow was rare for us growing up, so I appreciate it and a true Winter very much, though I do miss the humidity of the South to this day -- hee -- I love the heat!

So very cozy this morning with my mug of decaf -- yay!

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