Wait, it's a New Year! I'm so psyched! Happy New Year to you all and best wishes for 2011! I hope you had great holidays with your loved ones and that you also are excited about the promise of the time ...
I know we are all saddened by the violent tragedy in Arizona over the weekend -- healing thoughts to all affected, and hugs to all of you! Life is so precious -- I appreciate all of you!
Save the Date! I am most honored to let you know that I will be having a solo show of my most recent tropical landscape paintings for the Menare Foundation Benefit Concert at the Montgomery College, Takoma Park, Cultural Arts Center, on February 13, 7:30 pm -- please see the attached flyer for more information, such as the amazing performing arts line-up for the night! My paintings will be featured at the concert's after-party, and for 4-6 weeks following that. Please do save the date and I will definitely send more information as tickets become available!
I finished off the year with a mini, 12 x 12 painting, called Caribbean for Matisse 2 -- for a contest to which I submitted in NYC -- fingers crossed for that, eh? I had to resist the urge to continue this new subseries inspired by Matisse and my love for the tropics ... because of the New Year I decided to challenge myself with a painting of a photograph taken by our dear friend Talia in Atacama, Chile. I have completed the pencil sketch on the canvas and this morning, I began mixing the colors and painting darks first.
You can see all of last year's paintings at the following link:
2011 Paintings section coming very soon!
Puffin Grant Application
I submitted an emerging artist grant proposal to the Puffin Foundation to offset the cost of art supplies for the participants in the weekend of painting and pastel workshops for the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah, in Cedar City, Utah, most likely July 21-26. Will hear news on the grant in May, so gathering funds where we may ... speaking of which ...
Blick Art Materials Affiliate
I was doing research for the Puffin grant application mentioned above, when I found out online about Blick Art Materials' Affliate Program -- I submitted my website link and they approved me for commission of any sales that go through them by clicking on the Blick Artist Materials logo on the front of my website -- I have been getting my canvases, paint and pastels from them for many years now -- can't recommend their range of brands or great prices enough! So if you need art supplies, and order through my site, I get a commission! just a thought --
Developed a wish list through Blick Artist Materials online site, for the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah in my name -- if we get the grant we are great to cover it, but if not Jason and I will come up with the funds needed in time -- we are committed to making this happen for them!
In Sum ...
More things may be happening positively in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned -- please do write me a note when you get the chance -- I love hearing from you all!
Take care,
Amy :)
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